Monday, May 21, 2007

My current favorite author

Paulo Coelho is currently my favorite author. His work really inspires me to write and to think about things differently. I just finished “The Devil and Miss Prym” and have found myself thinking about the current state of affairs in the world. Before I go into that I would like to list a few of my favorite quotes.

“I’m a man who has experienced things that most people never dream of, and who went beyond all the usual limits in his search for both pleasure and knowledge. A man who found paradise when he thought he was a prisoner to the hell of routine and family, and who found hell when he could at last enjoy paradise and total freedom.” 14

“As I told you when we first me, the story of one man is the story of all men.” 69

Talking about going to heaven and not being allowed to bring his dog and horse in for a drink from a fountain…The traveler finds another place that lets him in and he asks about the other Heaven: “’That’s not Heaven, that’s Hell.’ The traveler was puzzled…[The man continued]’On the contrary, they do us a great favor, because the ones who stay there are those who have proved themselves capable of abandoning their dearest friends.’” 99

The priests refuse the bishop’s generosity of filling their water cups. One priest obliges and has the bishop refill his cup. The priests chastise him for making the bishop work. The bishop hears this and says, “You, who think you are holy men, were not humble enough to receive and so denied me the pleasure of giving. Only this man allowed Good to be made manifest.” 148

Talking about paradise: “You’re mistaken, Father. You were in paradise, but you didn’t recognize it. It’s the same with most people in this world: they seek suffering in the most joyous of places because they think they are unworthy of happiness.” 178

“The story of one person is the story of all humanity.” 195

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