Thursday, May 24, 2007

My brother asked me today what my goal is...

And I instantly talked about work. Hmmm. This may be interesting. My goal does not include an administration job. I want to stay in the classroom forever...and ever....and ever.

Here's a pitch for my brother's site: He is el presidente of the Central New York Bonsai association...or something like that. You can find him in the article section, under geo dome or something to that effect.

But back to my goal. I think my ultimate goal, which I was able to relay to him after some hemming and hawing, is to have a cabin on a lake in the woods far away from the world. I've had this goal for a very long time and I am no where near realizing that goal. I have a house and a small yard and a pond, which I dug the hole for myself. The small pond I guess is symbolic for the larger lake that I wish I could have.

Each year getting away from it all means going further and further away. Everyone wants to get away from it all. New Hampshire used to be where all the Bostonians would go. Now it is the Northern Kingdom and Katadhin (check spelling). Soon it will be Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island, which I think it already might be.

My brother also asked me if I were still writing. I said that I've been trying to keep this blog and curriculum writing. So basically, no. He means creative writing, stories and poetry. I told him that my creativity goes into my classroom. I told him about some of the great things I've been doing with my students.

I don't even know why I am keeping this blog. I don't think many people know why they blog. I think now I am breaking blogging putting too many topics into one entry. But I think that this is just supposed to be a web log. A log of my thoughts. And they are pretty random. I think someone needs to come and please edit me.

My brother also said that the googlepages might now be blocked at school. I'll have to try tomorrow.

Tomorrow I give out the students second to last paper. I need to find a way to bring their work home to scan it. Or something. I may ask them to submit to me one piece of writing that they wish their sophomore teacher to see. And I may drop the hint that I may be teaching them next year.....duhndundunda.

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